Persuasion Tool #3 – Self-Persuasion

If you can’t persuade yourself, you’re not very good at persuading other people. Understand the universe will not reward you physically until you believe it mentally.

Persuasion Tool #3 Video - Self-Persuasion


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Persuasion Tool #3  – Self-Persuasion

Let’s talk about mindset, which is basically self-persuasion or self-influence. If you can’t persuade yourself, you’re not very good at persuading other people. This is one of the laws of the universe. Basically, the universe will not reward you physically until you believe it mentally. If you want something and you can’t see yourself doing it, if you haven’t visualized it – it’s not going to happen. That’s why mindset is so important, not only in your prospects, but with yourself. If your prospects can’t see themselves doing what you’re asking them to do, they’re not going to do it. If you can’t see it, taste it, touch it, or feel it, the universe will not reward you. You have to see it mentally, before it happens physically.

Find successful people. What are they thinking, what are they doing? It’s pretty simple. If you want to become a millionaire, the formula’s pretty simple. You start thinking, acting, and doing what other millionaires do. But the challenge for most people is when they get on the path, when they get excited, there are people around them called parasites. These parasites (or living dead) will suck the life out of you and they will destroy your hope and vision. Remember, you could give a perfect presentation, but people are going to find something wrong with it. You could do everything perfect in your life and these parasites will suck the life out of you. It’s like Aunt Edna during a family gathering. You don’t even talk to her, but you can feel her sucking the life out of you. Every family has one. You didn’t even talk to her and she sucked the life out of you. You have to be careful of your family and friends. You’re going to tell them about your goals, your dreams, your aspirations, and they will spit on your dreams. Why? They’ve given up on their goals or their dreams, and either consciously or subconsciously, they are going to pull you down. That’s human nature 101. Don’t let this affect your mindset.

I remember visiting my parents in California for the holidays. It was the day after Christmas. I was traveling to the airport. I looked at my ticket. It read, “Seat To Be Assigned.” I was with my wife and my 1st daughter, I think she was around 5 years old. She was a little cute, small, petite little thing. So we got to the airport and I’ll just say, the holiday cheer had left the building. There was nowhere to sit, people were stressed, flights were delayed, and I knew I was going to get bumped. Then I heard the announcement with my name. This young lady announced, “Mr. Mortensen, Mr. Kurt Mortensen, please come to the counter. She kind of had this, almost little frown on her face. She said, “Are you Kurt Mortensen?” I said, “Yes.” She said, “Would you mind, would you be upset if we upgraded your whole family to first class?” I thought, “That would be awesome.” She said, “Well, everyone in first class has boarded except for your family. Here are your tickets – Enjoy the flight.”

What a good turn of events. So, I boarded. There was no room in the overhead compartments in first class. So I went behind the little curtain and put my things in the overhead compartments in coach and I sat down in a aisle seat. On the other side of the same row was my daughter and my wife. So, here’s this little petite young girl in this big first class chair. They brought her soda and cookies. She was laughing. She was having a fun time with the flight attendant and then coach started to board, and I was amazed to see the looks on their face. I saw anger, resentment, and frustration. I thought to myself, anybody can pay for a first class ticket. There’s no special license.” Just think about it. People would rather resent the person sitting there than paying the price to get it. Then we landed. I’m still pondering about what happened and I went to get my suitcase. I said “Excuse me,” and this man looked and me and said, “You know what? You’re not first class. You’re no class.” Wow! What do you say to that?

The answer is nothing. I don’t know what happened, if he thought we took his seat or what was going on, but there are people out there, no matter what happens, no matter what you do, no matter what you drive, people will resent you. They key factor here, and my research shows, you have to follow your heart. Successful people follow their heart. Every successful multimillionaire has a list of people that told them it wouldn’t work, you can’t do it, it’s too risky, that’s just how it is. Just like Bill Gates. When he was going to Harvard, his heart was telling him to quit Harvard and start a software company. Nobody knew about software back then. Imagine him talking to his guidance counselor. “Oh, no, no, stay here and get a secure job with a company like Enron,” (no longer exists.) Learn to follow your heart. This is what I want you to do. I want you to think about your main purpose. I want you to choose your goal. I want you to visualize your goal and write it down.

Now, for most of us, it’s an income goal. So what you need to do is break down your income goal. I want you to pull your checkbook out and write yourself a check. If you want to be a millionaire in 12 months, 2 years, 10 years, you write it down. You autograph it. You put the date. Y ou look at it every day. Put it in your purse, wallet, or bathroom mirror, and here’s my promise to you. Every time you look at it, every time you think about it, a little chunk of that doubt will erode away and it will become reality for you. Do it. Master your mindset. It will change your world.

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