Episode 258 – Ways To Get People To Like You – Without Talking


Ways To Get People To Like You - Without Talking>/strong>

We have all had the experience of feeling an instant connection or bond with someone after just a few seconds of being in their presence. This is the Law of Connectivity. On the flip side we have all met someone that rubbed us the wrong way or repelled us. We instantly did not want to be around them. This is caused by a lack of connectivity and usually takes only a few seconds to manifest itself. This disconnect closes the door to persuasion.


The Law of Connectivity states that the more someone feels connected to, similar to, liked by, or attracted to you, the more persuasive you become. When you create an instant bond or connection, people feel more comfortable and open around you. They will feel like they have known you for a long time and that they can easily relate to you.

When we feel connected with someone, we feel comfortable and understood; they can relate to us and a sense of trust ensues. This connectivity is critical on the phone, during a presentation or using social media.

Listen and find out….

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