Episode 124 – Persuasive Politicians

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On this episode, Kurt and Steve interview Tyler Page of the “Polite Politics Podcast.”  The Polite Politics Podcast is “Dedicated to the proposition that there are honest, good, intelligent people on both sides of most political issues.”  The podcast’s objective is to “explore these differences politely.”

Neuroscientists have made significant progress on how the brain processes information.  Our brain can be very bias.  This is especially true in politics.  People will always see the good in their party and find the bad in the other.  During an election a scientist asked questions about their candidate and the candidate from the other side while getting an MRI.  When they were told information about their candidate that caused dissonance, the logical side of their brain would shut down and they could not see the bias.

When participants were asked to view a political debate, it was found that the mere presence of a confederate who cheered for one of the candidates influenced the participant’s overall evaluation of that candidate in a positive manner.  Obviously, when receiving information in a social setting, the audience can be skewed to perceive the information the way the group tends to hear it.

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