Why Do 3% Make 97% of The Money?
Did you know the average persuader only uses 3-4 persuasion techniques? There are over 100 different persuasion tools you can learn and master. Finally, it’s all here in one place–right at your computer!
Influence University is a step-by step system that will
guarantee you will master the art and science of
Persuasion, Negotiation and Influence.
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As seen on...

Why Do 3% Make 97% of The Money?
Warning: Influence University is the most complete and comprehensive course I’ve have ever released. This system is USUALLY reserved for my advanced coaching students. This online University will reveal cutting edge influence techniques that will increase your income and enable you to persuade on command.
Influence University is literally the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody. Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and close more sales. Influence University is the first and only website to combine scientific research, persuasion software, training videos, downloadable audios and proven exercises.
Did you know the average persuader only uses 3-4 persuasion techniques? There are over 100 different persuasion tools you can learn and master. Finally, it’s all here in one place–right at your computer!
Influence University contains the following
training modules:
- Persuasion IQ 101
- 52 Week Mastery
- Download Central
- Podcasts
- Influence Tools
- Ask a Coach
- Advanced Mastery Training
- University Library
- Objection Software
- Persuasion Resources
Influence University Reveals…..
- Know exactly what the person you want to persuade is thinking and feeling.
- Overcome objections before they are even brought up!
- Never be told “I can’t afford it again”
- Effortlessly build rapport with any personality type
- The 5 objections your prospects always have and how to overcome them
- Develop a call to action that causes your prospect to ask “how do I get started”
- Blunders that you are doing that cause persuasion resistance
- 4 proven techniques that cause prospects to persuade themselves
- Dirty deeds unscrupulous negotiators will use against you
- Discover negotiation secrets only known to seasoned negotiation professionals
- Top 3 mistakes average negotiators frequently make
- Master the priceless ability of detecting deception
- How to develop instant trust and credibility in the first 5 minutes
- Enable your powerful subconscious mind to work for you, not against you
- Develop an irresistible attraction to wealth and success
In business and in life, your ability to persuade others can mean the difference between success and failure. Do you have a high PIQ, or Persuasion Intelligence Quotient? Can you convince anyone-at work or at home-about anything, any time? You’ll quickly realize how powerful these techniques can be in both business and your personal life, Mastering these techniques will translate directly to: winning more clients, “reading” people more quickly and accurately, deriving more satisfaction from personal and family relationships, closing more sales, earning more than you ever dreamed….And, perhaps most important, hearing that magic word “YES!” more often. So whether you’re selling a product, an idea, a plan, or yourself, Influence University will increase your Persuasion IQ and gives you the tools and the confidence to succeed-every time!
What the experts are saying…
Unbelievably comprehensive with fresh new angles and immensely practical examples. Want more influence at work, at home, wherever? Study and apply.
Stephen R. Covey The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
A sure-fire way to improve and enhance your powers of persuasion. This information reveals how you can change minds, influence others and reach your ultimate goals!
Larry King Host of CNN’s “Larry King Live!
This shows you how to immediately influence other people in every aspect of your life!
Brian Tracy The Psychology of Selling and Focal Point
This program magnifies your inherent ability to persuade.
Mark Victor Hansen Chicken Soup for the Soul
These very techniques have made me millions of dollars! Each one will improve your success dramatically, putting you on the fast track to doubling or even tripling your income. I only wish I had this information earlier in my career!
Robert Allen Multiple Streams of Income and Cash in a Flash
As an entrepreneur my business relies on the skills learned from Kurt Mortensen. His ’10 obstacles that limit your persuasion success’ alone will be invaluable to your personal and business success.
G. William Barnett II Author of Are You Dumb Enough To Be Rich?
I am one of Kurt Mortensen’s biggest fans and love all his teachings! Everyone is in sales and Persuasion IQ really gives people the tools and skills to cultivate their natural abilities to better communicators, sales people, managers and entrepreneurs. I have studied Persuasion a long time and I think that Kurt Mortensen is the best of the best!
Lee Milteer Author of Success Is An Inside Job
I must admit that when I first heard of Kurt Mortensen’s Program I thought it was just like every other program on influence and persuasion out there. It took me less than 3 minutes of talking with Kurt to know that this guy has truly put together some unique material that provides a storehouse of value in one comprehensive package. Ethical persuasion is the pathway to power and profit.
Jerry Clark Dallas, TX Motivational Speaker
Get the tools and training for as little as $17 a month.
Influence University Advanced Education
The first aspect of Influence University is a step-by step system that will guarantee you will master the art and science of Persuasion, Negotiation and Influence. Always remember you are in the people business. When money changes hands, it’s because something unique happens in your client’s mind…something that makes them comfortable about giving you a resource that is becoming increasingly limited: time and money!
This is a 52 week program and we are going to focus on eight critical areas of your success. If you are wondering what is taking so long to achieve your business and financial goals – it is probably one (or more) of these areas are holding you back. We have found that 85% of your success will come from these eight areas. The eight areas are:
- Persuasion skills
- Millionaire Psychology
- Instant Charisma
- Persuasive Presentations
- Advanced Influence
- Power Negotiation
- Marketing Tools
- Sales Mastery
As Napoleon Hill the Author of Think and Grow Rich said: “Persuasion is the magic ingredient to your success!” You’ll soon find that the more you know about persuasion, the easier your life and income becomes! Clients find their way to you and you’re able to convert them into properties and products almost effortlessly!
You will master the priceless skills of…
- How to have absolute confidence in what you’re saying
- RESIST persuasion so you don’t fall into unethical traps!
- Harness the 18 most powerful words and put them to use
- How to create huge value to eliminate price resistance
- Create instant action through ethical urgency
- How to change your demeanor so that people and customers will be automatically attracted to you!
- Proven persuasion technique so simple and so powerful - it's embarrassing!
- Learn how to channel your words directly into your prospects
- 4 ways to guarantee your prospect will never say "That's too expensive".
- How to maintain a proper balance between emotion and logic during your presentation.
- How to build rapport with any personality type.
- Resolve the concerns of your customers before they even have them.
Do I have your attention? Do you want this information? Do you want to explode your income? I know many of you are asking yourself -- how much will it cost? Ask yourself, how much will it cost if you don't? The easiest way to double your income is to double your persuasion skills.
If you answer YES to any of the following questions -You NEED this education.
- Do you want to increase your income in your business?
- People not calling you back?
- Ever missed out persuading the perfect prospect?
- Do you want to feel confident in every persuasive encounter?
Membership will give you a distinct advantage over your competition.

Persuasion Mastery
As you learn these skills you will master your life and increase your income. You will learn skills known only by the ultra-prosperous. You will learn and master a new skill everyday for a full year. Every situation, you'll feel in control. You'll know exactly what to say and do. So invest in yourself and your future. You can learn as fast or as slow as you want. Everything you want in life, somebody else has and you need to know how to persuade to get it. Imagine where you would be now, if you had mastered these skills only a few short years ago. How many millions of dollars have you lost? Remember when you need to persuade someone, it is too late to learn.
Influence University gives you the entire array of persuasion and negotiation tools so that you can quickly adapt to the any person, event, or situation. These tools are an absolute must for sales professionals, business managers, marketers, advertisers, lawyers, fundraisers, politicians, non-profit enterprises, network marketers, or simply anyone who wants more control over their income, their relationships, their job, and their life.
Who is Kurt Mortensen?

Hi, my name is Kurt Mortensen. I'm an Influence Mastery Specialist. I am one of America’s leading authorities on persuasion, negotiation and influence. I have spent 21 years researching persuasion, charisma and motivational psychology. I am the author of Persuasion IQ, Magnetic Persuasion, Laws of Charisma and my best-selling book Maximum Influence.
I'm an international speaker, consultant and trainer. I have given specialized training to numerous Fortune 500 and multinational companies. These include:

I've shared my expertise about persuasion and influence with the major television, newspapers, and magazine networks. They include:
CNN / Fortune, Investor’s Business Daily, USA Today, Chicago Tribute, Black Man Magazine, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Woman’s World, Sales Excellence, Hartford Business Journal, Houston Business Journal, ESB Journal, Chief Executive China, Chicago Booth Business School, Roanoke Times, Inside Success Radio, Work and Family Life, Realtor Magazine, Real Simple, Dell Magazine, Life Insurance Selling, Dallas Morning News.
I am not trying to boast, but I want to demonstrate that I know and have researched how people think and react to everyday influence. These media outlets trust me to reveal and teach cutting edge influence research.
Why Persuasion?
Understanding the theories of persuasion, motivation, and influence will put you in life's driver's seat. Why? Because everything you want, or will want, in life comes from Persuasion and Influence. Did you know that less than 1% of the world's population understand and can actually apply the 12 Laws of Persuasion? As I reveal the secrets and science of persuasion, you will be able to persuade and influence with complete accuracy. You will gain instant influence over others and inspire others to take action, all while getting exactly what you want from life. You will win people to your way of thinking and will empower yourself with an unshakable confidence.
Influence University was developed over the past 20 years. I was frustrated with persuasion training. I had been through almost every major persuasion training course on the market, listened to all the audios, read every book I could find on persuasion, influence and motivation. They all were great and each one had something to offer, but did not give me the comprehensive understanding of the world of persuasion and influence. Each one had a few nuggets of wisdom, but I was looking for the gold mine.
After tireless research, intercepts and application, I found the answer. I found high producers do specific things that low producers don't do. They are not smarter, they just have the right tools. Remember, persuasion and influence tools have changed over the past 20 years. Your prospects are tired of the old style closing techniques that make them feel used and uncomfortable. This is new world of persuasion and sales.
Are you ready for it? Have you seen the trend? You need a new set of tools, one size does not fit all your prospects, you can't force all of them into the same mold. This is a new world of persuasion. Face it -- Now is the time to graduate from the old school of persuasion.

This is what some of the student's are saying…
Dianna Samuelson EntrepreneurI finished the 52 week Influence University course. This program is a multi-faceted approach to your life. It hits on everything from influence, charisma, self-persuasion, presentation skills, negotiation, marketing and sales. Thanks for making a GREAT program. Influence University is worth every penny. Thanks again
Gavin Poulton SalesThanks to the skills I learned from Influence University I increased my income by 10 times, in a three month period. I have learned how to become much more charismatic and confident in my persuasion skills, as a result I have become Magnetic.
Steve Waters Trainer. Author“Kurt Mortensen is an incredible person. I’m convinced that few have thought as long and hard about the principals of persuasion, motivation, and influence as he has. His insight and knowledge of success is matched by none. In fact, I can trace much of my success back to the insight and guidance of Kurt. His techniques have helped me sell thousands of my books and generate millions of dollars in revenue. I consider what I’ve learned from Kurt to be one of my greatest assets. He’s transformed my life!”
Sarah Angel Small Business Owner“Before I started to learn persuasion I was totally broke. I began to realize that it is a new world of persuasion out there, and that if I didn’t learn how to persuade, I would be out of business. In my first four months with them I made $47,000 through my business!"
Judd Simpson Corporate SalesKurt Mortensen is in the business of changing people's lives. His definite goal is to help his students achieve
better and bigger things through the power of persuasion. He has helped me to double my sales since I've studied his materials. You're awesome Kurt. Thank you for the skills you have taught me.
Jason and Debbie Jones Small Business OwnersSince applying Kurt’s material, our business has grown exponentially, catapulting our net worth to over 5 million dollars in one year. This information is the key to success in every aspect of life…income, career, and relationships.
Barbara Sturm ChiropractorHow can it really be THAT easy? And how have I missed it all this time?” That’s what I kept saying to myself when I first began to study Kurt’s intensive work on the universal laws of persuasion. Ok, truth be told, I was also a little miffed that his work wasn’t a pre-requisite in graduating from chiropractic college as a potential business owner too. I was astonished as to the minor shifts that I quickly made and how much revenue those shifts were generating in my business. Persuasion is definitely one of our greatest tools!!!
Jarad Severe Online MarketerKurt Mortensen is the master when it comes to persuasion and influence.
Not only have his principals and techniques quadrupled my companies income, they have changed my life forever.
What is included in the Complete
Influence Mastery Training?
1. Persuasion IQ 101 (Free)
In business and in life, your ability to persuade others can mean the difference between success and failure, or between mere success and spectacular success. But do you have a high PQ, or Persuasion Intelligence Quotient? Can you convince anyone-at work or at home-about anything, any time? You’ll quickly realize how powerful these techniques can be in both business and your personal life, Mastering these techniques will translate directly to: winning more clients, “reading” people more quickly and accurately, deriving more satisfaction from personal and family relationships, closing more sales, earning more than you ever dreamed….And, perhaps most important, hearing that magic word “YES!” more often. So whether you’re selling a product, an idea, a plan, or yourself, Persuasion IQ gives you the tools and the confidence to succeed-every time!
- Discover the top10 traits of power persuaders
- Understand exactly what your audience is thinking and feeling
- How to know what form of power to use to get a yes
- Where do your skills rank in the world of persuasion and influence
- Blunders that you are doing that cause persuasion resistance
- Create a psychological edge over your prospect
- Top 10 blunders that is costing you money
- Create instant rapport that cause prospect to open up
- Everything you need to know before you persuade
- 4 proven techniques that cause prospects to persuade themselves
2. Maximize Your Influence (Free)
Podcast Training - Persuade Anyone at Anytime
In business and in life, your ability to persuade others can mean the difference between success and failure, or between mere success and spectacular success. These podcasts will reveal powerful persuasion tools. Mastering these techniques will translate directly to: winning more clients, “reading” people more quickly and accurately, and closing more sales.
3. Influence University (Silver)
These are my 52 week training modules. This education is a step-by step system that will guarantee you will master the art and science of Persuasion and Influence! Each week will include a video, audio and report. You can go as fast or slow as you want. You’ll soon find that the more you know about persuasion, the easier your life and income becomes!
Here is a sample of the 52 week agenda.
4. Persuasion Library (Silver)
Every time you need an instant answer to a marketing, negotiation, influence or persuasion question, you will find the solution. There are over 300 articles that will give you quick answers to those pressing questions when you need the answers.
5. Download Central (Gold)
There are over 100 individual audios you can download for your personal development program. Turn your car into a university on wheels. These are the programs you can download.
Maximum Influence
Persuasion IQ
Laws of Charisma
Perfect Persuasion

Negotiation Bootcamp
Millionaire Psychology
Persuasive Presentations
Psychology of Objections

Communicate to win
Dissonance: Help People Persuade Themselves
Resistant Free Selling
Exponential Success
Get the tools and training for as little as $17 a month.
6. Mastery Training (Gold)
Over 100 videos on the latest Advanced Influence Training.
Millionaire Psychology
Have you ever met someone that did not seem that sharp, but was making 10 times more money than you? What did they have that you needed? Wealth is an open book test. Now you can have all the answers to achieve success and wealth. It is pretty simple when you think about it. When you start acting, thinking and doing what millionaires do ---- You become a millionaire. It is proven fact that millionaires think differently than everybody else. What beliefs are holding you back? If you have always wanted to be wealthy and wondering what was taking so long, you need these audios. When you can understand how your mind really works you can harness its unlimited power. With these audios you will be able finally be able to achieve all your goals, dreams and desires.
- Understand how your mind really works and harness the incredible power
- Enable your powerful subconscious mind to work for you, not against you
- Overcome your natural skepticism and hurdle obstacles on your way to success
- Discover and achieve your true potential
- Redirect your thoughts to help your win the game of life
- Free yourself from false ideas about your relationship with money
- Develop an irresistible attraction to wealth and success
- Easy formula to get yourself to do the things you want to do
- Power tools of millionaires: Wealth is an open book test
- How life alignment can harness your ability to succeed exponentially
Power Negotiation
Negotiation is a different form of persuasion. There is a time to persuade, a time to influence and a time to negotiate. Have you ever paid too much for a house? A car? Anything? Most people have and don’t even know it! What underhanded tactics are other negotiators using on you? How can you counteract them? These are recordings from a live 3 day negotiation bootcamp. We get down in the trenches and reveal the secrets that only top negotiators know.
- Dirty deeds unscrupulous negotiators will use against you
- Discover negotiation secrets only known to seasoned negotiation professionals
- Top 3 mistakes average negotiators frequently make
- What is the blueprint used to guarantee your negotiation success
- Formula for your pre negotiation checklist
- How following your natural instinct will cost you millions
- Master the priceless ability of detecting deception
- How to develop instant trust in the first 5 minutes
- How to establish instant credibility (even when you don’t have any)
Psychology of Objections
Did you know that 66% of the objections you hear are lies? Would your prospects really lie to you? Yes they do. Why do we do what we do? Now you can finally learn how to understand human nature. You can tell if someone is lying to you or telling you the truth. The worst thing you can do as a persuader is solve their objection when it was never really their objection. It was a knee jerk reaction and you bought into their fake objection. Your goal as a master persuader is to solve objections before they happen. If you are tired of getting No’s or people not calling you back. These audios will change your life, your profession and your income.
- How to turn a no into a yes and a yes into a sale
- Discover why most objections are lies and solving them hurts your ability to persuade
- How to double your business with 3 proven ways to increase referrals
- Master the ability to presolve objections before they sabotage your sales
- Know exactly when your prospect’s lying and still win their business
- Why your prospect buys from someone else after you persuaded them
- Persuasion tips that will double your income
- Develop a call to action that causes your prospect to ask “how do I get started”
- How to create the proper mood to persuade and influence
Persuasive Presentations
Most persuasion happens in a presentation or speaking format. This could be face-to-face, over the phone or in front of audience. Did you know you are probably violating many of the rules of persuasive presentations and don’t even know it. I have found through research that many of the common presentation skills taught actually hurt you when you are trying to persuade. What you don’t know will hurt you. You will discover how to present with confidence, charisma and power. You will learn the basics of overcoming your nervousness to the advanced speaking skills. Do you know how to handle a heckler? Answer the tough questions you don't know? Keep control of your audience? Handle the rough audience? I will teach you all the skills you need to know to become a persuasive speaker and trainer. You will master speaking and will be able to educate, inspire and entertain with passion, compassion and purpose
- Increase your ability to influence with confidence, charisma and credibility
- Win people to your way of thinking and have them accept your ideas
- Phone blunders that repel your prospect
- Turn the most common objections into instants sales
- Channel your words directly into your prospects subconscious mind
- Use the 4 secret motivators to inspire others to get what you want
- The presentation formula of winning persuasive presentations
- Discover the 4 things that have to happen in the first 5 minutes of your presentation
- 4 components to win an audience every time
- How some presentation skills hurt your ability to persuade
Magnetic Persuasion Audio Boot Camp
Next, we have Magnetic Persuasion Audio Boot Camp. The easiest way to double your income is to double your persuasion skills. Remember when you need to persuade someone, it is too late to learn. Magnetic Persuasion is literally the difference between knowing what you want– and getting it, anytime, anyplace, from anybody. Create unimaginable wealth, transform your career, and strengthen your relationships. Magnetic Persuasion Audio Boot camp is the first and only resource to combine scientific research and documented studies into one comprehensive catalog of proven persuasion, influence, and motivation techniques. This training is packed with over 15 years of scientific research and over 100 persuasion and influence tools.
Never be told “I can’t afford it again”
Effortlessly build rapport with any personality type
The 5 objections your prospects always have and how to overcome them
How to create huge value to eliminate price resistance
Create instant action through ethical urgency
Know exactly what the person you want to persuade is thinking and feeling.
How to have absolute confidence in what you’re saying
Laws of Charisma
Have you ever noticed how some people can persuade without effort? People instantly like them and want to be around them. Have you seen people always get what they want and everyone around them wants to give it to them? How do they command attention and influence with everyone they meet? Charisma is the 20% that gives you 80% of your results. Charisma is the skill that will give you the quickest return on your time and dramatically increase your success and income. Charisma is the ability to empower and influence others into believing in you, trusting in you, and wanting to be influenced by you.
- Confidence: Conviction is Contagious
- Optimism: Adjust Your Attitude
- Intuition: Follow Your Instinct
- Influence: Help Others Persuade Themselves
- Rapport: The Instant Connection
- Esteem: Understand the Ego
- Motivate: Light their Fire
Explode Your Marketing: Keys to Massive Conversion
Marketing is a critical persuasion skill whether are marketing your business, creating leads, or generating traffic to your web site. Minor adjustments to your sales copy, website or marketing pieces will produce amazing results and increased sales. Your goal is to market your business or service and attract others to you. When you are able to explode your marketing your will be able to inspire others to take action and win people to your way of thinking. As you develop these marketing and influence skills, others will be drawn to you as metal filings are drawn to a powerful magnet. Advertising previously closed to you will swing wide open and the world of opportunity will beat a path to your door. These marketing techniques have been developed from countless hours of marketing and persuasion research.
- Power headlines that pull in massive amounts of customers
- Persuasive words you should be using
- Build product value and make price a nonissue
- The simple, secret formula to creating a marketing piece that sells
- Marketing copy blunders that are costing you money
- Step by step approach to writing copy that sizzles
- Boost sales by using stories and statistics in the RIGHT way
- The seven elements of perfect persuasive copy
7. Influence Tools (Inner Circle)
Persuasion Software
The best way I can teach you persuasion and influence is to persuade for you. I have cataloged 77 common objections you could get every day. I have also found the perfect solutions to each one. It would be overwhelming to sit down and teach you each response. This easy to use software will help you solve each objection you will hear. This training maps out when to ask for their business and what to do if they become angry, indifferent or frustrated. All 20 years of human behavior research all at the click of your mouse. Now you can make money and master persuasion while someone else persuades for you.
8. Ask a Coach (Inner Circle)
Persuasion/Presentation Assessment
Do you want me with you during your next persuasion encounter? Do you want me to whisper in your ear what to say? This assessment is with me. I will critique, analyze or review any aspect of your business. You can use the assessment for one of the following:
- Have a personal coaching session with me
- Evaluate a recording (audio of video) and how to increase your persuasiveness
- Analyze scripts, internet copy or sales letters you want to persuade better
- Do an extensive role play and fine tune your presentation
- Take you persuasion IQ and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses
So What's The Investment for Influence University?
I charge $3,995 for a 3 day seminar teaching the same techniques and secrets you'll discover in Influence University. For less than the cost of a decent lunch you can master the powerful laws of persuasion and be able to persuade 25x faster. Many have asked me why are you making the investment so low? Well it is all about helping you become more successful and enabling you to make the world a better place. The second reason is since the internet can provide instant access and instant downloads – there is no printing or travel costs for me.
I thought how much should I sell this exclusive influence information? Should I charge the standard $2995.00 for the physical products? Do I charge the $3995 for the live 3 day seminar? Influence University is the internet version of all my live trainings and physical products.
This program could be sold for $6990.00 and that does not even count the weekly podcasts and the live coaching. This internet special allows you to become Magnetic and master persuasion for as little as $17 a month.
Here are your options:
choose your plan
- Persuasion IQ
- Influence Podcasts
- Persuasion Tools
- 52 Week Mastery
- Persuasion Library
- Advanced Webinars
- Monthly Download
- Mastery Video Training
- Negotiation Bootcamp
- Persuasive Presentations
- Millionaire Psychology
- Explode Your Marketing
- Influence Tools
- Objection Software
- Sales Letter Templates
- Persuasion Critiques
- Coach with Kurt
Per Month
($97 Yearly)
Per Month
($297 Yearly)
Inner Circle
Per Month
($797 Yearly)
choose your plan
- Persuasion IQ
- Influence Podcasts
- Persuasion Tools
- 52 Week Mastery
- Persuasion Library
- Advanced Webinars
- Monthly Download
- Mastery Video Training
- Negotiation Bootcamp
- Persuasive Presentations
- Millionaire Psychology
- Explode Your Marketing
- Influence Tools
- Objection Software
- Sales Letter Templates
- Persuasion Critiques
- Coach with Kurt
Per Year
($17 Monthly)
Per Year
($37 Monthly)
Inner Circle
Per Year
($97 Monthly)
But wait there’s more….. I will also throw
in two priceless bonuses:
Bonus #1
Free coaching session from a certified
Magnetic Trainer ($200 Value)Bonus #2
My book Persuasion IQ in MP3 format ($40 Value)
What is the Bottom Line?
52 Week Mastery
Weekly videos, audios and reports for 52 weeks
Download Central
Download my books and advance training materials
Get access to my past and current weekly podcast trainings
Influence Tools
The newest tools and software to help you influence
Ask a Coach
Need help or direction – we are available
Advanced Mastery Training
100’s of online videos to master the world of influence and marketing
University Library
100’s of specific articles that will immediately solve your current challenge
Objection Software
Every objection (77 possible) and the best responses
And much more….
If you persuade for a living (and everyone does) and want to be more influential, you will want to invest in Influence University. If you want to sell more, negotiate better or give better persuasive presentations, this University will put you on the fast track to success. Get the tools, answers and training that will change every aspect of your life.
Full 100% Money Back Guarantee...
I guarantee Influence University will exceed your expectations. I'm so confident that this online training, advanced content and personal coaching will make you more successful that I guarantee you will increase your income.
If you don't get the results I promise, I'll refund your investment and let you keep all the downloads and bonuses.